
Pronto Moda Agency



We Love Share

& Do Fashion

We work on MTO only. Which is Made To Order. With minimums of more than 100-300 Pcs per style, and ex factory in 3-5 weeks depending on product. We work with many different manufacturers, and we source and develop styles for our customers, and follow through labeling and packaging and shipment. We can work also with Plus, Petite, Tall and maternity brands. We can accompany buyers for sourcing and development trips, or develop from images, photos sent . We have built up an excellent supplier base, giving constant newness in relation to styles as well as excellent price quality balance.

Find Your

Own Style

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Our Service


We list to the brief, to understand the end customer’s demographic, style and price range. We will present factories that represent these values and look.


We offer a personalised service as regards to development. Our suppliers and factories have in house designers in most cases. And styles can be chosen from the extensive ranges, or adapted from the existing styles. Or in some cases customers provide photographs and images of the styles they want, or samples or designs with garment specification sheets, and the factories are able to reproduce. Again it is different for each customer and we are flexible to work with the customer in the way that suits them.


we follow all production and keep customer informed of progress with regular updates.

Labelling and packing

We create information packs translated into Italian to give to the factories to ensure that the customer’s packing and labelling are followed.


We can organise to print any kind of barcode configuration here in Prato. To the customer’s requirements.

Packing shopping and Documents

We will collate and provide all required invoices and shipping documentation. We can also produce woven labels and swing tickets to customer’s designs locally.

Fabbric and Accessory testing

We work with local testing houses if fabric testing is required. For the composition and washing instructions we would rely on the fabric supplier’s certificates. But some brands require testing and we can provide this service.

Quality Controll

We would always go to the supplier to check and report on each style before shipping, supplying images of each style and colour. Pre shipment samples can be sent to the customer for approval if required.

Our Brands

Exquisite Outfits

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In The


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